Saturday, July 15, 2017

“The  First  Life  Of  the
“James  River  Heritage  Trails”

1960                                                                          2012

A Program and Bicycle Tour about the fascinating history found along the James River Heritage Trails in Lynchburg and Amherst County will be offered in September. Learn the significance of the many remains of former businesses, industries and railroad facilities that are found along the beautiful trail, some dating to 1852 when the first railroad was placed in operation.

by Aubrey Wiley
Railroad Author and Historian

Program with vintage and contemporary pictures:
·       Thursday, September 14, 7:00 pm at Lynchburg Parks & Recreation Theater,
301 Grove Street, Lynchburg, Virginia, 24501

Guided Bike Rides and Tours led by Aubrey Wiley in two sections.
Approximately 2 hours and 6 miles round trip each day with several stops.

·       Saturday, September 16 (west end) leaving from the Ed Page Entrance on Langhorne Road at 9:00 am.  Rain date for this bike ride/tour is the following Monday, Sept. 18 at 5:30 pm

·       Saturday, September 23 (east end) leaving from the “Love Sign” parking lot on Concord Tpk. at 9:00 am. Rain date for this bike ride/tour is the following Monday, Sept. 25 at 5:30 pm.

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On the Trail with Aubrey Wiley 

     After an evening of seeing and hearing about the previous life of the trails on Thursday, about 28 riders took on the west end on Saturday, September 23. We started from the Ed Page Entrance on Langhorne Road and went to milepost 3, downtown near the Amazement Square Trail Access ramp.  We made several stops and discussed the features and history of this part of the trail which was built in 1852.